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As a sought after motivational speaker, television personality, pop culture commentator and content creator, Lisa Durden is rising to national prominence and recognition because of her over-the-top, passionate, energetic, interactive, very physical and humorous style of delivering a message!! Lisa has learned that the foundation of every issue is fear! So although every speaking engagement is different and the themes change, her goal is always to help others Overcome Their Fears!!


Lisa’s Top 10 Celeb. Ups & Downs Of 2014

2014 has been a fantastic year for celebrities and entertainers. I blew up my Facebook page writing posts about their ups and downs. And boy were there some real #TMZ moments! So I thought I would take a look back with my annual yearend countdown rant, called “Lisa’s Top 10 Celeb. Ups & Downs of 2014. WOW!! A lot of dead people made my list this year. DISASTER!!


Hollywood Actor Stephen Collins, Under Investigation For Child Molestation!

OMG!! actor ‪#‎StephenCollins from the show 7th Heaven, is being investigated by‪ #‎ManhattanSpecialVictimsSquad, for allegedly, confessing to his wife on tape, during a counseling session in 2012, that he molested children.‪ #‎DISASTER!! ‪#‎Nasty! ‪#‎Rapist! As usual, ‪#‎TMZ broke the story after his wife made the tapes public, now that they’re getting a divorce. This freak admitted to molesting 10, 11, & 12 year old girls as far back as the 1970’s. He also allegedly raped his niece!!‪ If that’s true……#‎ICaaaaaant!!


Racist Statement Plagues Daytime Show The Talk

Did I just hear #SarahGilbert on #TheTalk make a racist statement saying she fears her relationship with her mate, moving down the "#TotemPole??" WOW!! That's a NO NO!! I cringed as she said it. I literally screamed at the television aloud as if she could hear me: "Sarah nooooo!! Sarah nooooo!! Retract girl, girl retract!!" Of course I knew she couldn't hear a darn thing I was saying. It was just my knee jerk reaction.

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