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STOP IT! Dylann Roof Ain’t Crazy! HE’S A MONSTER!

Featured STOP IT! Dylann Roof Ain’t Crazy! HE’S A MONSTER!

By now I’m sure all of you have heard about the massacre of the 9 black church goers at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by the hands of #DylannRoof. I don’t know how you felt when you heard about this tragedy, but when I heard about it I screamed and dropped to my knees in total pain and disbelief!! My body failed to produce energy!! It felt like my heart stopped pumping! My eyes became cloudy with blinding tears! My brain had a hard time unscrambling the meaning of this message of pure hate!! I could not write one single word!! Just the thought of turning on my laptop and banging my fingers across the keys, to rehash what had happened on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, was making my #BrainBleed!! Until now!!

Dylann Roof shot and killed #SharondaColemanSingleton,#SusieJackson #ReverendClementaPinckney, #CynthiaHurd, #TywanzaSanders, #MyraThompson, #EthelLeeLance, #ReverendDanielLSimmons and #ReverendDepayneMiddletonDoctor at #EmanuelAMEChurch, as he screamed, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” It’s obvious that this 21 year old “THUG,” came from a #SkinHead household!! Hatred this deep doesn’t only come from outside forces; you’re indoctrinated in it!! First of all, Dylann has been misinformed!! He has clearly been reading from the #KluKluxKlan book of American History because he got his facts very twisted!! Dylan, your forefathers, who were racist white slave masters, RAPED OUR WOMEN!! Dylan, your racist white forefathers came to America and stole this country from the Native Americans!! This is their country!! NOT YOURS!! Your ancestors were immigrants!!

Unfortunately this is not the first time that black churches have been targeted in this country but I hope it’s the last!! “Any death of this sort is a tragedy; any shooting involving multiple victims is a tragedy,” President Obama said at the White House. “There is something particularly heartbreaking about a death happening in a place in which we seek solace and we seek peace, in a place of worship.” I couldn’t agree more!! And anybody who feels that #PresidentObama spoke on this massacre for political reasons IS A RACIST!! He is at the end of his term and has absolutely nothing to prove politically, so to accuse him of doing that, is disrespectful and along the same lines of racist criticism that he’s had to face during his presidency. Racist white people, try to twist this if you’d like, but it’s not gonna work!! Anybody with any ounce of compassion would feel empathy for the families of the slain victims and #PresidentBarakObama is no different!! Oh, by the way, please let’s not forget, HE IS A BLACK MAN!! BOOM!!

This tragedy struck close to home because I knew Reverend Clementa Pinckney personally. She’s from my hometown of Newark, New Jersey and we both attended Vailsburg High School. When I saw her picture I was in disbelief. I had vivid nightmares about it. The shock is still very real and very raw. I do hope her family is ok as I wish for all of the victim’s families.


Once Roof got arrested, I could breath a little easier. However, I found it very interesting that this #beast got arrested without incident, but cops make it their business to gun down unarmed black men in the streets, like #WalterLScott, for doing absolutely nothing and choke black men like #EricGardner to death, for standing on a corner. Yeah, this is sending a clear message to the black community, that only white lives matter; not black lives. Let me make it real clear before some racist white people get pissed!! NO, I don’t want to see anybody killed for any reason!! Especially by the police, unless it’s absolutely necessary!! So arresting Dylan Roof was exactly what the police should have done. They were doing their job!! And that’s the same treatment we want when these robo cops are policing our communities!!


Everybody knows, when the racist white media is covering black crime, they call us “monsters!” They say we are “wilding!” They call us, “thugs,” which is particularly disturbing and disrespectful to my community; but not surprising. However, when they cover crimes committed by whites, like the Dylann Roof massacre, it makes me sick to my stomach that many racist white media outlets are reporting the story with built in excuses like, “He grew up in a fractured home,” for why he walked in a church and blew away 9 innocent black people from ages 26 to 87, during his act of terrorism. Hell, millions of us grow up in fractured homes and we don’t go around murdering people. I’ve heard, “It was an attack on Christianity;” REALLY?? Well #ThePope is a Christian and Dylann didn’t plan for 6 months to make a trek to the #Vatican, to murder him and his parishioners. They even had the nerve to refer to him as a “child,” “kid,” “innocent confused loner,” “gentleman,” “young man,” and the most famous label, “mentally ill.” THESE LABELS ARE LAUGHABLE!! STOP IT Racist White Media!! Just STOP IT!! Stop the games!! Stop trying to use soft verbiage to describe this murderer Dylann Roof, in order to lesson the blow of his act of terrorism!! NO!! He Ain’t Crazy! HE’S A MONSTER!! Just so that y’all know, in my not so distant past, I was a sales rep. for Phizer Pharmaceuticals and I sold a drug for mental illness called #Zoloft, so I’m very well versed on the topic of mental illness and the fact of the matter is, MOST PEOPLE WHO ARE MENTALLY ILL, DON’T GO AROUND SHOOTING UP AND MURDERING PEOPLE!! Now that the myth has been dispelled, let’s call it what it is, AN ACT OF PURE EVIL AND HATRED TOWARD BLACKS!! Dylann committed a hate crime!! #ThatsItAndThatsAll!!

Dylann’s friend #JoeyMeek even said he told him on many occasions that he hated black people and wanted to provoke a race war. This monster is filled with pure hatred and evil because he was taught to be that way from birth!! Listen, I have and have had, relationships with a lot of white people both young and old and of the few who don’t like blacks, they don’t go around killing us. You can dislike someone and stay in your lane!! But when you cross the line into pure hate, it’s a #DISASTER!! And it didn’t help for him to grow up in a place where the Confederate Flag flies high and proud from the grounds of the state’s capital and where the streets are named after Confederate Generals. This kind of ignorance permeates through the culture in South Carolina, while hiding in plain sight!! All of that, coupled with the fact that this “thug” is a criminal and a junkie, made him ripe for his rein of terror!!


I was pleased to see that on June 19, 2015, Dylann’s bond hearing was held quickly and not delayed. This monster was charged with 9 counts of murder and 1 count of possession of a weapon. The judge was only able to set his bond for the weapons charge and he set it at one million dollars. PRICELESS!! I know the judge was trying to be understanding but I’m sorry, I didn’t want to hear him say, in the same breath, that there are victims on both sides. I get it, but somehow, I’m feeling it’s too soon to take the focus off of the 9 victims. That’s that “share share that’s fair” “ish” I don’t like. We haven’t even heard from Dylan’s family yet. Where are they?? Since I feel that they are partly responsible for their sons thinking and subsequent actions, I’ll reserve including them in the victims category until they come forward.

I gotta tellya, it’s nice that the families of the victims are forgiving but I’m sorry, I’M NOT!! I don’t just give away my forgiveness all nilly willy like government cheese!! PEOPLE MUST EARN MY FORGIVENESS!! And this beast hasn’t earned anything yet but a jail cell with a needle in his arm!! The good news is, his first appearance court date will be October 23, 2015 and his second appearance court date is February 15, 2016. They better move very swiftly for Dylann to be convicted and sentenced to death!! I’m looking forward to this beast being on death row!!


That’s the million dollar question, with a million possible answers. I’ll probably be dead long before it gets better, but I do believe ending racism is possible. So I will start by saying, if all people, including whites, don’t understand and AGREE, that #BlackLivesMatter, then the road to ending racism will be an uphill battle. If the government doesn’t step in and legislate police brutality in the black community, then they’re just talking the talk!! Not walking the walk!! If black people don’t stop killing each other, then white folks will continue to point the finger of blame at us for the violence in our communities, as a diversion from placing blame where it belongs, on #RACISM!!

Of course thankfully, all whites aren’t racists!! Many many many many white people have been, and continue to be on the front lines, fighting against racism and racial inequality. I felt the need to say that on the record, in the event some idiot tries to take what I’m saying out of context!! However, if you are mad that I used the phrase “racist whites” in this post, you just told on yourself!! As the saying goes, “if the shoe fits, wear it! If it don’t apply let it fly!!”

Welp, “You have entered MY WORLD!! Where I tell it MY WAY!!”

Image/s via Rawstory.com/Nydailynews.com

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