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Hear Ye Hear Ye!! Announcing My New Position As Broadcast Manager

Hear Ye hear Ye, I'd like to announce that I've been brought on as the new Broadcast Manager for NBPC (the National Black Programming Consortium) where I’ll oversee program development, delivery and distribution of NBPC’s broadcast programs including being the point person for the acquisition of non-fiction content for its signature public television series, AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange, as a series, celebrates the cultural and historical growth that has occurred in the last generation using films tailored to a world audience from insightful, artful and often unique local perspectives. These films are always carefully selected to portray a more balanced view of Africa than you’ll get on the nightly news and to provide fuel for what must be a global conversation on the present day realities and contemporary lifestyles of Africans, both on the continent and in the Diaspora. Additionally, I’ll be charged with managing NBPC discretionary projects from producers, seeking funding for non-fiction projects and Broadcast Distribution.


I must say, New York gives Lisa Durden Love!! From the moment I graduated from Seton Hall University in 19_ _, New York has embraced me like a native. First in sales at Kellogg Sales Company, then as a pharmaceutical rep at Bristol Myers Squibb and Phizer Pharmaceuticals. At some point, I became frustrated and disillusioned with hitting the concrete ceiling and remembered that I have a degree in journalism, which led me to ask myself, "what the hell was I doing rotting away there?" I came to the realization that I had lost my way and had to get back on track in order to break into the communications field. So I decided to leave Corporate America in late 90’s to start my own production company, Lisa Durden Unlimited Productions, and once again, New York embraced me with open arms, from giving me the opportunity to work in production on various documentary & media projects, to my non-scripted content being selected for and winning awards in, film festivals. That’s why I’m doing my happy dance!! Excuse the belly fat!! Exercise is not on my Christmas list this year!! Ok, it wasn't on last year's list either. LOL!! Anywhoo, my sister Daphne Durden, her boyfriend Chris Redwood and I, are toasting it up because advancing my career is what wakes me up in the morning!! We had to do a high five to recognizing the importance of NEVER COUNTING YOURSELF OUT!! ‪#‎BOOM!! ‪#‎Selfie.

For more info log onto:


PS: For those women who say, "I don't get along with women. I don't like working for/with women. All my friends are men," you need to rethink how you think!! No, you can't like every women and every women ain't gonna like you. That's a people thing. BUUUUT, the way I see it, your best asset, is the reflection of what YOU see in the mirror!! Yes, I was qualified for the position! Yes I had the experience! Yes I had the skills! Yes I had the talent needed to earn it! BUT, A WOMEN gave me the opportunity to prove myself. Many of the doors that have opened for me over the years, have been opened by WOMEN who were in positions of power. Think about it, you never hear men say they don't like working with men or don't have men friends!!! Men are very loyal......To themselves!! LOL!! So my friends ARE women!! I ENJOY working with women!! I am a GOOD woman!! WOMEN ROCK!! And the sooner women accept that fact, the better womankind will be. IJS!!

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