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If The President Of The United States Ain't Safe, WE AIN'T SAFE!!

OMG!! If the #WhiteHouse has ‪#‎HomelandSecurity and STILL can't keep out intruders, armed contractors off elevators with Obama and White House party crashers like Michaele & Tareq Salahi, what does that say for the safety of us folks who live in violent communities?? If they have secret service, bomb dogs, camera's and I'm sure aerial snipers, AND THEY STILL CAN'T KEEP PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS FAMILY SAFE, then us folks in the hood are toast!! So The White House has robocops too?? Cause clearly it's not just about more cops, it's about "mothercluckers" who are sleeping on the job!! #‎DISASTER!!

I don't recall any other president ever having had security breaches, but if they did, it was never at the lever of what is happening in President Obama's administration. So I don't know if it's a conspiracy because ‪#‎PresidenObama is black, or what. All I know is, if The President of The United States ain't safe, WE AIN'T SAFE!! And‪ #‎JuliaPierson, the Director of the United States Secret Service is not the only head that should roll!!

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