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Not Cooking From Scratch On Thanksgiving Is Wack!!

I’m not a foodie. I don’t live to eat, I eat to live!! I don’t even plan meals. I think about what I wanna eat once I feel hungry. But don’t get it twisted, I do love food!! However, I love to eat good food! Which is why I think not cooking from scratch on Thanksgiving is WACK!! If you are cooking for Thanksgiving and you’re making #StoveTopStuffing, frozen #CollardGreens, canned #GreenBeans, #KraftMacaroniAndCheese, lose my number!! Because I will NOT be RSVP’ing for that sloppy, bootleg mess!! I don’t play that!! Who does that?? In my #TamarBraxton voice, “get-cha life!!” Everything on the Thanksgiving Day menu should be cooked from scratch!! THE SAME DAY!! Nope, I don’t do leftovers on gobble gobble day either!! So don’t play that lazy game of cooking and freezing your food the day before or the week before, then warming it up on turkey day; I’m not feeling that either!! #DISASTER!! Thanksgiving happens once a year, so if you plan on hosting din din at your house, commit to going hard in the kitchen! THAT’S IT & THAT's ALL!! OMG IS IT ME??


If The President Of The United States Ain't Safe, WE AIN'T SAFE!!

OMG!! If the #WhiteHouse has ‪#‎HomelandSecurity and STILL can't keep out intruders, armed contractors off elevators with Obama and White House party crashers like Michaele & Tareq Salahi, what does that say for the safety of us folks who live in violent communities?? If they have secret service, bomb dogs, camera's and I'm sure aerial snipers, AND THEY STILL CAN'T KEEP PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS FAMILY SAFE, then us folks in the hood are toast!! So The White House has robocops too?? Cause clearly it's not just about more cops, it's about "mothercluckers" who are sleeping on the job!! #‎DISASTER!!



As a sought after television personality, pop culture commentator, content creator, celebrity blogger and motivational speaker. Born and reared in Newark, New Jersey, Lisa Durden is the third of five children. And yes, she has all the attributes of the “middle child” syndrome!” Although she grew up with both her parents, John and Margaret Durden, they were very poor! They didn’t always have the most stylish clothes and up to date toys, but what her parents always instilled in her and her siblings was the importance of getting an education!!


The Broadcast Of Lisa's Top 10 Celeb. Ups & Downs Of 2014

If you didn't get a chance to read my yearend rant called, Lisa’s Top 10 Celeb. Ups & Downs Of 2014, on my blog post, then you're in for a bigger treat!! Because you can watch it tonight on #TheLisaDurdenShow, @ 6pm, Tuesday, January 6th, on Newark, Cablevision, Channel 19. For those of you who live in Manhattan, don't fret, it premiers on Manhattan Neighborhood Networks, 5:30pm, tomorrow. Wednesday, January 7th Channel 56. For the rest of you curious folks, you can enjoy it online @ www.mnn.org, 5:30pm, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7th, log on, select channel 2, Lifestyle 

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