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The Day Oprah Winfrey Followed Me

#OMG!!, OMG!!, OMG!!, OMG!! Yesterday after I tweeted that I’ll be covering Oprah's The Life You Want Tour in ‪#‎Newark at the ‪#‎PrudentialCenter, #OprahWinfrey followed me on Twitter!! YAAAASSS!! No, this news isn't going to cure cancer!! But y’all don’t understand, I interview celebrities all of the time, so I’m far from star struck, #Trust!! The thing is, #Oprah is my religion!! LOL. I would follow Oprah to hell in gasoline draws for an interview!! What?? Y’all don’t know?? Ask my sister Daphne, she’ll tell you. I have been on Oprah since 1986. I am her biggest fan!! I’ve watched her talk show for 25 years!! I've read every article ever written about Oprah in her career! I Subscribe to O Magazine!! I’ve watched every interview every conducted on her!! I’ve seen every television movie, special and feature film that she’s every produced!! As we speak I’m ordering her new book, #WhatIKnowForSure!!

I'm also an #OWNer which is a community of passionate OWN viewers. OWNers get "first-look" access to photos, show clips, sneak peeks and more. They also are invited to chat live with favorite OWN stars and be among the first to preview brand new shows—it's like having a backstage pass to your favorite network, OWN. I






#IyanlaFixMyLife, to name a few.

I have a PHD in #Oprahology!! LOL. I’m the only one who can write her unauthorized biography and do it justice!! LOL.


Beyonce JayZ's Fake Kiss @ VMA's

Beyonce and JayZ weren't fooling me with their scripted display of a loving couple at the VMA's last night!! I'm still waiting for them to say, "CUT!" That entire scene was as fate as a $3 dollar bill!! Yes, it was very cute....BUT...think about it...Beyonce ain't been putting her personal life out there on the hoe stroll, so why is she pimpin it now?? That cold kiss between Bey & J reminded me of the Michael Jackson Lisa Marie Presley creapy, bootleg Kiss at the 1994 VMA's. When ANY couple, expecially celebrity couples like JayB, TRY THAT HARD to convince us that their marriage is strong, I think that the divorce lawyer is waiting back stage with a pen for them, singing Ushers's lyrics, "ready to sign them pay-pas!!??"

And please don't tell me that their relationship is none of our business. Yall already know what I feel about that, that horse has left the barn!!


Why Childfree Folks Boycott Baby Parties??

People, don’t invite me to your child’s kiddy party if you aren’t gonna have grown folks food!! I don’t eat #HotPockets! I don’t eat #CornDogs! I don’t eat #TaterTots! I don’t eat #HotDogs!! And I don’t eat fake pizza like #Dominos, #LittleCaesars, or #PappaJohns! If the menu ain’t #FriedChicken, #CollardGreens, #StringBeans, #PotatoSalad#, #BlackRice, #Rice&Peas, #StewChicken, #KaleSalad, you know, REAL FOOD, then DON’T send me an invite!! Yes, I like children, but if I have to sit through watching a bunch of kids stuff hot dogs up their nose and crying because they can’t have more ice cream, yall have to make it worth my while!! LOL!! And serving a little libation might motivate me to show up on time!! LOL. To my #Single, #ChildFree folks, #OMG, is it ONLY ME??

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