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Joan Rivers Might Be Down For The Count


WOW! My girl Joan Rivers might be down for the count. Yall already know I’m very comfortable with death, especially of a 1,000 year old like Joan. If it’s not meant for her to come back from the coma, don’t cry for her Argentina. Motha has liiiiived!! However, I will miss her if she dies. Joan is hella funny!! I’m glad that our prudish culture finally caught up with her outrageous brand of humor because she is truly a talent before her time who paved the way for edgy female comedians like #KathyGriffin, #Monique, #LisaLampnelli, ‎#SherylUnderwood, #JaneaneGarofalo, to name a few. #FashionPolice will never be the same without her.


Parents Don't Send Your Kids To School Looking Crazy & Stank!!

Parents Don't Send Your Kids To School Looking Crazy & Stank!! Who does that?? What the hell is wrong with people?? There is NO reason why little kids should be sent to school looking like, skanks, Miley Cyrus, well, I guess that's one in the same thing, LOL, strippers, blinged out rappers, drugged out rock stars, and broke down porn stars!!!

Maybe I'm old school but little boys SHOULD NOT be rocking earrings in either ear like a bootleg Baby from Cash Money Millionaires; NO, NO, NO and NO!!!

> Little kids SHOULD NOT be allowed to dye their hair like they're a model in a Loreal Commercial!!!

> Little boys SHOULD NOT BE SAGGING PERIOD.com, that's a nasty #DISASTER #PeeeeU!!

> Little girls SHOULD NOT be wearing poom poom shorts with their butt cheeks dripping from the bottom, dropping it like it's cold!!

> Little girls SHOULD NOT be half naked backing that thang up like they're on a stripper pole trying to make it rain!!

> Little girls SHOULD NOT be dressed like Madonna in her hay day from her Truth Or Dare video.

#STOP IT!! STOP IT Parents!! Y'all need to get yourselves together!! Your children are not your friends!! So when they want to wear age INAPPROPRIATE fashions, your answer should beeeeeee, #NO!! No to the tenth power!! No in 40 languages!! Just good old fashioned, NO!!

Your children deserve an education, not a place on America's Next Top Model!! #OMG is it me!!!???


The Do's & Don'ts Of Facebook Inbox Etiquette

Now that Facebook is getting "jankee" with the inbox messages and trying to get us to install that sneaky #MessangerApp, in order to get our inbox messages, I'm not up for any "shananagans!!" So I need to hip you idiots to The DO'S & DON'TS Of #FaceBook Inbox Etiquette!! If the shoe fits wear it!! If it don't apply, let it fly!! LOL.


1. People, don't inbox me asking me for money & donations for your broke friend's baby. ESPECIALLY IF I DON'T KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!!! It ain't gonna happen!

2. People, don't inbox me asking me for my phone number to talk. About what?? ESPECIALLY IF I DON'T KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!!! It ain't gonna happen!

3. People, don't inbox me asking for us to meet. For what?? ESPECIALLY IF I DON'T KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!!! It ain't gonna happen!

4. People, don't inbox me a flyer to attend your event. ESPECIALLY IF I DON'T KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!!! Put your flyer on your own page and I WILL SEE IT! If I'm interested and available, I will attend.

5. People, don't inbox me in a public blast. IT'S RUDE & ANNOYING!! ESPECIALLY IF I DON'T KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!!! I will unfriend your a_s!!

6. People, don't inbox me asking me to look at your Nessa page, Youtube page or website for anything WITHOUT INCLUDING A LINK and A REASON WHY YOU WANT ME TO DO IT. ESPECIALLY IF I DON'T KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!!! It ain't gonna happen! What's wrong with people?? IS IT ME?????

The DO'S:

1. Do inbox me if you wanna send ME a private message directly.

2. Do inbox me if you wanna comment on my post/s privately.

3. Do inbox me if you want to be a guest or pitch me an idea for my talk show.

4. Do inbox me if you are a person from a network or production company looking for content.

5. Do inbox me if you want to hire me for my freelance or consulting services or to appear on your show as a pop culture commentator.

6. Do inbox me if you need some information from me. Tread lightly here because it depends on what kind of information you're looking for. I can go on and on till the break of dawn but you get the point.

Thank you good night, drop the mic, aaaaaaand scene!! LOL!!


Obamacare Is Too Expensive For Childfree Entrepreneurs Like Me

Singing in my little kids voice, I got #insurance, I got insurance, I got insurance and you can’t have none!! LOL. Finally, I have #HealthInsurance!! #Awesomeness!! And no, this is NOT Obamacare. It was too EXPENSIVE for single, childfree, small business owners like myself. WOW!! I just realized I haven’t had #MedicalInsurance since the early 90’s. #YAAAASSSS, I’m making appointments with every type of doctor and for every test known to man, covered under the #HorizonPlan; a #Gynocologist, a #Proctologist a #Cardiologist, an #Endodontist, an #Optometrist, an #Orthopedist and an #Otolaryngologist!! In layman’s terms…I’m gonna get:

Ø My #vagina checked!

Ø My #breasts checked!

Ø My #anus checked!

Ø My #heart checked!

Ø My #teeth checked!

Ø My #eyes checked!

Ø My #bones checked!

Ø My #ear, #nose and #throat checked!

Ø My #mammogram

Ø My routine #blood work!

Ø My #MRI’s!

Ø My chest #ex-rays!

Hell, since they cover mental health too, I might as well make an appointment with a therapist just because!! Right Michael Likier?? LOL. Watch out yall, I’m gonna be the healthiest woman in Newark, New Jersey in 2014/2015!! LOL

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