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Featured Panelist

Featured Panelist (1)



Lisa Durden is a featured panelist @ "The Unstoppable Girls Empowerment Summer Retreat," where she’ll speak to middle school & high school girls, about what makes her an Unstoppable woman and what they can do to be Unstoppable too! Saturday, August 16, 2014, from 9:00am – 11:30am. Paul Roberson Campus Center, Rutgers University, 350 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ, 07102.  To RSVP: please contact Roslyn Smith, PH 973.685.5698 • EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lisa Durden is a featured panelist at the Careers & Majors Fair, called, “Fight The Power: Careers in Social Justice and Community Give Back." Speaking to high school students as a journalist who focuses on the stories of the underrepresented.  She’ll also have a table where the participants can speak with her one on one about her career as a multi-media professional and the recent documentary she’s Associate Producing called, The Newark Project, which is a film study about education reform in Newark, NJ. It’s sponsored by Youth Symposium, NPS and partners. Held Saturday, May 10th 2014 from 11:45am - 12:30pm @ Rutgers University Paul Robeson Campus Center. 350 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ. 

Lisa Durden will be speaking on a panel called: “Is Finding The Man, The Same As Finding Love??” Friday, March, 21, 2014 @ The Newark Women’s Conference. Session One: 9:15am – 10:13am and Session Two:10:30am – 11:30am. It’s open to the public!! It promises to be HOT!! Location: Public Service Electric & Gas Company E. James Freland Conference Center. 80 Park Place, Newark, NJ  07102. Registration fee………$30.  Which includes a continental breakfast, lunch and the entire conference from 8:30a-2pm. To Register log onto :https://www.facebook.com/groups/newarkwomen/ 




Soul Food Junkies

Iris Williams from "Soul Food Junkies" from Byron Hurt on Vimeo.

Reel Sisters is celebrating its 15th Anniversary in Brooklyn, New York and they selected award winning documentary, Soul Food Junkies to be a featured part of the program.  The Associate Producer, Lisa Durden and Director Byron Hurt, will participate in a post-screening Q&A session moderated by star of The Fresh Prince of Bel air, actress, Daphne Maxwell Reid and New York City’s WQXR radio host Terrance McKnight. Come join the discussion!  The screening will take place at the Reel Sisters Film Festival, 8:45p, Saturday, October 13, 2012, at the Kumble Theater For The Performing arts, One University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY.  Admission: $15. Buy tickets today at www.reelsisters.org.

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