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When Women Have Sex With Boys, It’s Not Cute: It’s RAPE!!

I am so sick of grown a_s women getting a pass when they have sex with under aged boys. It’s not cute, it’s RAPE!! In November of 2014, Another nasty woman got busted raping a 17 year old boy and it’s making my #BrainBleed!!

It’s been reported that 42 year old, married mother of three, Iris Ann Gibney of #PottstownPennsylvania, was caught by a cop, butt a_s naked, in a car, at a park, “having sex” with a 17 year old male high school student. Now, y’all tell me, if this was a 42 year old man, caught butt a_s naked, in a car, at a park, “having sex” with a 17 year old female student, would we be calling it “sex??” I don’t think so!!! We would be calling that man every kind of rapist that we can find in Webster’s Dictionary. So for the life of me, I’m not understanding why we aren’t just as alarmed when women rape boys. It’s almost as if “we” are glad that the boy is “getting some.” Well I’m not!! I think it’s just as damaging for a boy, to have sex with a woman, as it is for a girl, to have sex with a man. Why, BECAUSE IT’S RAPE AND WE ALL SHOULD BE OUTRAGED!!!

For the sake of this blog post, I will no longer refer to the act as sex, I will call it what it is, #RAPE!! And for those of you who feel I’m being harsh, ask me do I give a “cluck!!??” NOPE!! I care about helpless children. Grown folks ain’t my priority. So if you think this song is about you, change the record!! Now, with that said, when this child rapist, Iris Ann Gibney’ s dirty a_s, got caught by the cops “performing a sex act” on the boy, she had the nerve to say to the officer, “I’ve never been in trouble before. I can’t believe I did this. I have three children of my own. I am so so sorry.” Ok this chick is laughable! What does she mean she can’t believe she did this?? Is she saying that she has ZERO ability to discern right from wrong?? Is she really serious??? Anybody who would believe that, I have a bridge I wanna sell you. First of all, that was NOT that woman’s first time raping that boy!! It was her first time getting caught!! And what does it matter if it was?? I know, if you rape once, then you’re not a rapist?? Get the “cluck” outta here!! This lady needs to lay on “several couches!!” Again, do men who rape little girls, get to say to the police, “I’m sorry!!” NO! They get handcuffed, thrown in the back of a police car and hauled off to jail!! As well they should!!

As I have been reading media reports and watching the news, nobody seems to be reporting this rape with any outrage or disbelief. #Dailycaller.com reported, “Gibney began texting, tweeting and cyber-chatting with her much younger paramour. She sent him nude photos.” Paramour!! Paramour!! Are they serious?? The dailycaller.com called a 17 year old boy, a 42 year old woman’s paramour!!! That is bootleg journalism at it’s best!! Nobody who is a minor can be a paramour to a 42 year old, stank, nasty, #cougar!! Why?? Because the definition of a paramour is…“a lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person.” CHILDREN CAN’T BE LOVERS TO RUSTY A_S GROWN PEOPLE!! That would be called RAPE!! I’m disturbed by media outlets and blogs who use these kinds of words, when the sexual predator is a woman!! Again, I will beat this horse till I kill it dead; if that were a man who was “performing sex acts” on a 17 year old girl, NO media outlet would EVER have called the girl a paramour. PERIOD!! But I’m a different kind of journalist. I stand up for what is!! And what is, is, #IrisAnnGibney is a child rapist, who needs to be locked up in an orange jumpsuit. Do not pass go!! Do not collect $200 dollars!

Yes, Gibney was arrested for the "sex act." Yes she posted bail of $50,000 and faces a preliminary hearing this week for criminal charges of corruption of a minor, dissemination of explicit materials and trespassing in Hollenbach Park. But no, she’s not facing any charges of rape, sexual misconduct, sexual molestation, NOTHING. So I’m sure this lady will NEVER see a minute of jail time, even if she’s found guilty of all the charges. While I’m saddened by that, I’m actually more concerned with the fact that she is running around footloose and fancy free through the community!! Aaaaaaan, she’s allowed to be around her children!!?? #OMG!! #DISASTER!! I don’t know the ages of all three of her kids, but she does have a teenage daughter who is a cheerleader at Pottsgrove High School, which is where Gibney met the boy, while volunteering as a “cheer mom.” This sexual predator doesn’t need to be around minor children. PERIOD! This sexual predator doesn’t need to be around HER own minor children. PERIOD!! I’m sorry, but when you rape a child, I think you might rape any child, INCLUDING YOUR OWN!! Why her husband told NBC Philadelphia that he is primarily interested in keeping his family from disintegration is beyond me. His wife made sure of that already. So I don’t know what he meant by his statement, but how I took it is, he’s gonna stand by his wife and keep the family together. I hope I’m wrong!! Because if this man would have found out that a 42 year old man was “performing sex acts” on his teenage daughter, he’d want him locked up and the key thrown away!! So he should want nothing less for his wife!! After all, the boy she raped is someone’s child and deserves justice!!

As a community, we have to do a better job of criminalizing women who rape boys!! Yes, I do realize that some boys see sex with women as sex with women. As a badge of honor!! No, many of them aren’t going to look at it as rape themselves. OF COURSE NOT, THEY’RE CHILDREN!! That’s the point!! But we are the boss of kids!! We tell children what is right, from what is wrong! It’s our job to teach THEM!! We make decisions for THEM!! We tell THEM what to do!! Not the other way around!! I am so worn by this!!!

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